Printing date: 9/7/2024

If you have any issues regarding accessibility, please contact us through the Triplinx Feedback Form

How To Ride

Boarding & Exiting the Bus Safely

Board the bus at the front door; exit at the rear when possible.Barrie Transit is pleased to provide accessible buses on all our Conventional transit routes. Buses include accessible features such as hand rails, low floor buses with ramp entry (deployed upon request, maximum weight  600lbs/272 kg)   designated courtesy seating  with space for two wheelchairs or for any person with a disability  who may require the use of this space. Conventional buses are also equipped with pre-boarding announcement and on-board next stop display & announcement systems. This means that before you board the bus will announce the route number and name and while on board each stop is verbally and visually announced through electronic means.

Please try to keep the aisle clear, & fold strollers upon boarding if possible. Priority Seating must be vacated if seating is required by a person with a disability. Operators will not intervene to enforce this requirement. Transfers can be requested from the Transit Operator when boarding the bus.

Transferring Between Buses

Passengers can transfer routes at any point where two routes connect. Passengers must request a transfer when they first board the bus if they require a transfer to continue along their route. When boarding a bus with a transfer, passengers must scan the barcode transfer ticket on the fare box. If, for any reason the fare box scan option is not available, passengers must then present the transfer to the Operator unfolded and date-side up for inspection. Transfers must NOT be placed in the fare box. 

A transfer is valid for one hour (60 minutes) from the time of issue and is valid as part of one continuous trip from origin to destination. Please retain your transfer if you need to travel on multiple buses to arrive at your destination. 
Transfers are non-transferable and have no cash value.


  • Securely leashed/contained and or caged dogs & non-exotic pets under the care and control of the owner at all times are permitted on a Barrie Transit vehicle (except during peak periods: Mon–Fri, 7–9am & 3–6:30pm). Service animals are permitted anytime.
  • Securely leashed/contained and/or caged dogs & non-exotic pets are permitted inside the Downtown Terminal at 24 Maple Avenue.


Bike racks are available on all Barrie Transit buses. They're free, easy to use and have instruction labels to help, but before you use the bike rack please familiarize yourself with the instructions below or included in the brochure.

Before the bus arrives, please remove any loose items from your bike such as water bottle or bike lock. Wait for the bus on the sidewalk. Alert the bus operator that you want to load or unload your bike. Allow other passengers to unload their bike before loading yours. If there are no other bicycles on the rack, use the space closest to the bus.

Luggage and Strollers

Children should be removed from their strollers when on board; children must be removed from wagons.

Large articles may be permitted on board at the Transit Operator’s discretion providing there is adequate space & they do not block the aisles/doors or inconvenience other riders. The Transit Operator is not required to assist with the boarding & unloading of these articles.

Lost and Found

All articles found on our buses are processed and will then be taken to the Lost and Found at the Barrie Transit Terminal, 24 Maple Avenue. Processing can take 1-2 business days, therefore we suggest you contact  705-739-4209 or first before visiting the Terminal. Hours of operation are M-F 5am-11pm, Sat 5:30am-11pm and Sunday 6am-10pm. Note: due to limited storage space, lost and found items are only held for 30 days.

Safety & Security

The following guidelines help ensure the safety & comfort of all bus passengers:

  • Children should be removed from their strollers when on board; children must be removed from wagons.
  • Priority seating is designated for use as follows:
    (1) People using wheelchairs or scooter
    (2) Persons with disabilities
    (3) Children in strollers
    Note: Children in strollers will be accommodated, however, should anyone noted in priority (1) or (2) require the wheelchair area, you will be asked to move to another seat and you may need to fold your stroller.
  • Shirts & shoes must be worn.
  • No feet on the bus seats.
  • Inline/roller/ice skates must be removed before boarding.
  • No eating, drinking or loud music permitted on board.
  • Items must be safely contained.
  • No toxic/flammable/hazardous materials on board.
  • Securely leashed/contained and or caged dogs & non-exotic pets under the care and control of the owner at all times are permitted on a Barrie Transit vehicle (except during peak periods: Mon–Fri, 7–9am & 3–6:30pm). Service animals are permitted anytime.
  • Securely leashed/contained and/or caged dogs & non-exotic pets are permitted inside the Downtown Terminal at 24 Maple Avenue.
  • Large articles may be permitted on board at the Transit Operator’s discretion providing there is adequate space & they do not block the aisles/doors or inconvenience other riders. The Transit Operator is not required to assist with the boarding & unloading of these articles.
  • No smoking in City facilities, on City property, buses or at bus shelters/stops.
  • Please refrain from wearing heavy scents or perfumes.
  • Please remain behind the yellow line at all times and avoid engaging in lengthy conversations with Operator while the bus in motion.

Request a Stop

The Night Stop program allows passengers who feel it would be safer to disembark from the bus closer to their destination than the nearest transit stop. The service is in effect from dusk or 9 p.m. until the end of evening service. Passengers can request the Transit Operator to stop at any safe location (Operator discretion) along a route. Let the transit operator know at least one stop before the location you wish to disembark and leave from the front door.